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How to Deal with Dementia in a Parent

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A dementia diagnosis can mean big chances for our loved ones and their relationships. Living with the disease comes with a unique set of emotional and practical challenges. Drawing a blueprint of care in the face of dementia is as much about strategy as patience and empathy.

Although there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, here are a few key elements involved in dealing with dementia in a parent:

  • Effective communication
  • Create a comforting home environment
  • Explore long-term care options
  • Navigate the legal and financial landscape

The diagnosis of dementia in a parent can be like a silent earthquake, shifting and reshaping the landscape of your family life. Its presence is not just about memory loss or cognitive decline—it’s about adjusting to a new normal for you and your loved one. It’s crucial to surround yourself and your loved aging parent with a community to assist throughout the journey. 

Understanding Dementia

Dementia is a condition that encompasses a variety of symptoms related to declining memory or other cognitive skills. It’s not an ailment of the individual alone—it’s a condition that ripples through the lives of everyone it touches. Understanding this broader effect is pivotal, as it can impact family dynamics, social connections, and financial security.

Effective Communication Amid Dementia

The cherished conversations you once had may seem like distant dreams when a parent has dementia. Effective communication strategies are bridges that bring you back together.

Expressing your sentiments through acts of love and touch can often speak louder than words. This non-verbal communication and the reassurance it offers to a parent struggling with communication can help bridge the gap.

Repetition and patience are also keys to maintaining connection. Repeating information and remaining calm and supportive can help in daily interactions. Avoiding complex instruction and using visual aids can also be beneficial in communicating with your parent.

Crafting a Comforting Home Environment

A supportive environment can mean the difference between a life of confined barriers and one of open spaces and fluid adaptability.

Safety & Security at Home

A safe home environment is crucial. From removing potential hazards to installing security enhancements, there are many ways to improve safety at home. This is especially important if your parent still spends time alone without the assistance of a caregiver.

The Role of Routine

Routines provide much-needed structure and predictability, fostering a sense of security. Setting routines can encompass everything from sleep schedules to meal times or social time. And it’s important to include your loved one in creating a routine so their likes and dislikes are respected.

Long-Term Care Options

The time may come when in-home care is no longer sufficient, and you may have to consider the decision to move a parent into a long-term care community.

Consider the specific needs of your parents when looking at the variety of long-term care options. Assisted living may be a suitable choice at the time, but memory care may be necessary in the long term. So, finding a community that offers both services can be beneficial.

Transitioning a loved one into a new living environment is a monumental shift. Maintain a positive attitude with your parent throughout the process and understand there may be some resistance. Always keep compassion and empathy at the forefront of your interactions throughout the transition.

The Legal & Financial Puzzle

Navigating the legal and financial implications of a parent’s dementia can be overwhelming but is imperative for ensuring their safety, well-being, and dignity.

Understanding Legal Matters

From power of attorney to advanced healthcare directives, the legal landscape can be a maze of paperwork and decisions. It’s important to get the proper legal support in these matters to ensure that your parent’s wishes are respected and looked after. This helps them maintain their dignity as the dementia symptoms advance, and they are potentially unable to make legal and financial decisions for themselves.

A Call for Understanding & Community

The best way to face the challenges of a parent’s dementia is with a community of understanding and supportive individuals.

This doesn’t necessarily mean a senior living community. It could be as simple as having a friend who has experienced something similar with their parent or a community program that offers training on navigating the potential complexities that come with dementia.

Your Journey Continues

Your path through the stages of dementia with your parent is unique and ongoing. But every step you take, no matter how uncertain, is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the love that binds us. This isn’t just about dealing with dementia—it’s about honoring our parents with dignity and help. 

Reach out to your care network or explore the many resources available if you’re looking for deeper insights or have questions. Call our team at Peregrine Senior Living at Shaker today. We’re happy to answer your questions about helping your parent on their journey, and we’d love to show you how our community could be a good fit when the time comes for long-term care.

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